DARCH is the collaborative practise of Aisha Ajnabi (Umulkhayr Mohamed) and Radha Patel formed in March 2023, and a culmination of 6 years of work individually. As artists of colour, we wanted to take this as an opportunity to self-direct our creative practice and develop work we know is important, such as to support people to work through ancestral grief related to colonialism, displacement, capitalism / being poor, familial trauma, the environment. DARCH is grounded in finding creative ways to articulate care centered practices for people of colour, with a politic grounded in solidarity and liberation. DARCH overlaps shared elements of our practices namely rituals, shrine building, animism and ancestral honouring and relationships to land through sound work, conversations and storytelling.
2025: (Forthcoming) Liverpool Biennale
2025: (Forthcoming) Community Grief/Rage Workshops, The Good Ancestors Project - Sub-Sahara Advisory Panel
2024: Grief/Rage Ritual (Film) - Digital Residency with Arcade Campfa
Alt text for background image:
A bright red background with the words ‘Grief’ and ‘Rage’ written in Gujarati and Osmanya (the original Somali script). The words are written top to bottom with a line breaking through the middle of letters. On the left side of the line the letters are straight and alligned. On the right side of the line, the letters are unalligned and appear as if floating away.